Jeremy Dickinson

Jeremy Dickinson

10.02.01 17.03.01

Xippas Paris Past
Jeremy Dickinson, 2001

Galerie Xippas is pleased to announce the second solo exhibition of English painter Jeremy Dickinson.
Jeremny Dickinson paints toys in all different constructions- one on top of the other, next to one another, upside down on a row, etc. The artist has carefully observed all the minatures in his younder days from details to colors to scratches of paint. This obsessive method, stemming from his collection of trucks, autobuses, and cars, and his hyperrealistc rendering of usually small paintings allows the viewer to enter into a childhood world.

Playing with the idea of representation and painting images in a surreal manner, Dickinson infuses his objects with life and humor. Bringing out the nostalgia in the viewer, Dickinsons’ paintings are full of memories and passions.

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