Marco Maggi – Déplier

Marco Maggi


05.09.15 17.10.15

Xippas Paris Past
[:en]View of the exhibition « Déplier », Galerie Xippas, Paris Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Xippas. Photo: Ugo Carmeni[:fr]Vue de l’exposition « Déplier », Galerie Xippas, Paris Courtesy de l’artiste et Galerie Xippas. Photo: Ugo Carmeni[:es]Vue de l’exposition « Déplier », Galerie Xippas, Paris Courtesy de l’artiste et Galerie Xippas. Photo: Ugo Carmeni[:]

The Xippas Gallery is pleased to present Marco Maggi’s second solo show in Paris. Continuing in the same vein as his exhibition Global Myopia at the Uruguay Pavilion in the Venice Biennale, Marco Maggi’s project obliterates the distance between spectator and artwork and creates a new visual experience. The microscopic drawings, undetectable at a distance, become visible as the spectator approaches the work.

Maggi’s universe chiefly consists of a system of cutouts arranged in a linear motif of alternating solids and hollows that dangle from sheets of paper or the surfaces of a wall. These patterns create a surface depth that is at once unsettling and discrete. This structure grows organically forming a rhizome that stretches on for eternity. The spectator follows the twists on this imaginary map and plunges into an all-encompassing environment.

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