Peter Halley – Au-Dessous / Au-Dessus

Peter Halley

Au-Dessous / Au-Dessus

09.06.18 28.07.18

Xippas Paris Past
Peter Halley1′

Curator : Jill Gasparina

Peter Halley says of his paintings that they are images of something. He has found his role models in pop and minimalism, with Barnett Newman, Frank Stella and Andy Warhol, instead of the canonical – and European – history of abstraction, which he has been a fierce critic of ever since his first writings at the beginning of the 1980s. In this tension between abstract and figurative work, architecture occupies an important place. His practice of geometric abstraction is, indeed, inseparable from his take on the city of New York, where he grew up. In 1991, he described it as a “huge, very abstract, very overscale undifferentiated grid”[1], thereby casting the city as a matrix upon which to base his work.

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