Ricardo Lanzarini – The Taste of Wetness on the Brambles Is Pure, Then They Rot*

Ricardo Lanzarini

The Taste of Wetness on the Brambles Is Pure, Then They Rot*

02.03.13 06.04.13

Xippas Paris Past
[:en]Ricardo Lanzarini, View of the exhibition « The taste of wetness on the brambles is pure, then they rot », 2013[:fr]Ricardo Lanzarini, Vue de l’exposition « The taste of wetness on the brambles is pure, then they rot », 2013[:es]Ricardo Lanzarini, « The taste of wetness on the brambles is pure, then they rot », 2013[:]

Ricardo Lanzarini is a storyteller of the common place, an observer of everyday details that construct and deconstruct stories from outlines and accumulations of short scenes pulled from unlimited sources. “When I start to draw, these representations are not premeditated, they appear to me. I simply let them float about; they are already there.”

In his drawings, Nietzsche, Kafka, Beckett, Carroll, and Marx, flitter past, as do prisoners, religious leaders, reproductions of artworks, and hospitals. Lanzarini mixes these references and weaves them into an ensemble that reflects the inner workings of mankind’s history and philosophical thought where categories and classifications result only from posteriori reflection. There are no descriptions of time and space: places are unidentifiable and time is anachronistic. With meticulousness and precision, these characters multiply and take their places as they literally invade the walls of the gallery in an exuberant construction.

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