Yves Oppenheim

Yves Oppenheim

27.04.06 03.06.06

Xippas Paris Past
Yves Oppenheim, 2006

Yves Oppenheim’s work shows a spirit of experimentation and innovation. His paintings employ a decidedly formal and abstract language, playing on repetition, variation and resumption. With his complex composition and conscious use of color, Yves Oppenheim on the one hand places himself within the traditional framework of painting, on the other hand, however, puts this very context into question through continuous dissolution and reconstruction of his compositions.

For his first solo exhibition at Gallery Xippas, Oppenheim presents an ensemble of recent large-scale paintings. What strike us in his oeuvre are the interwoven sensual curves and textures that oscillate between the opaque and the transparent. The vivid and luminous colours with their clearly demarked contours seem to be cut into pieces, contrasting with black curves evoking obliteration.

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