Blair Thurman is presented in the group show “Human Autonome: Déroutes” at MAC VAL with two works : Crooked Mile Crooked Smile (2018) and Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple) (2019).
“An autonomous subject, freed from its physical limits, driven by inexorable progress, becoming master and possessor of nature: this is the myth of which the car is the symbol. (…) The artists in this exhibition, from different generations and from both the French and international scenes, are concerned with a different conception of human autonomy: understood not as independence from any exteriority, but as the capacity to reflect on our own determinations and interdependencies. An autonomy situated in relation to a social and symbolic order that needs to be deconstructed.”
Text from the curators of the exhibition : Marianne Derrien, Sarah Ihler-Meyer and Salim Santa Lucia